Odontogeriatrics is the specialty of dentistry that works with patients over 60 years of age. It aims at the social, psychological, functional, and preventive integration of oral diseases that can increase the risk of systemic diseases. The elderly need special care when they need dental treatment.
The loss of some teeth and the use of inadequate prosthesis reduce masticatory efficiency by 50 to 85%. With deficient chewing the elderly stop consuming, above all, foods rich in fiber, proteins and vitamins, many essential for their good organic recovery. The digestive process begins in the mouth and the formation of the food bolus in these individuals is inadequate, causing serious damage to health due to the inadequate absorption of nutrients.
The IMPLAR® dental practice acts in a multidisciplinary way offering all the dental specialties focused on the care of the elderly, including those with special needs, chronic diseases, and with a history of serious diseases.
The IMPLAR® odontogeriatrics has cardiological monitoring related to dental care, and the treatments are performed with medical monitoring, allied to our hospital structure, provides the treatment safety and results.
Longevity, with quality of life, is the ideal that we always seek, and it is what we offer in our services.